This project was implemented in Blantyre and Mangochi districts and it focused on children with eye related problems who are aged 0-19 years. It has been operating under the theme “Provision of Refractive Error and Low Vision Services in Blantyre and Mangochi, Southern Malawi”. Launched in February 2022, the project had a 1 year timeframe, and it’s main target was to train at least 500 teachers who would be responsible for screening children in their schools, screen at least 75,000 school-going children, give eye glasses to at least 400 children, and provide low vision services to at least 100 children. By the end of the project in April 2023, BICO had trained 502 teachers, screened 78, 635 children aged 0-19 years, gave eye glasses to 804 children and provided low vision services to 148 children, exceeding all targets tremendously.